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发表时间:2009-01-15  浏览量:2132  下载量:638
全部作者: 张伟伟,周尚波,麦欢欢,肖颗
作者单位: 重庆大学计算机学院
摘 要: 混沌同步一直是混沌保密通信的热点问题,但某些低维的混沌系统产生的混沌信号很容易被破解,将其用于通信时,系统安全性会受到威胁。而时延系统作为无穷维的系统,简单的时延系统就能够产生超混沌的特性,大大增加了破译的难度,从而开辟了混沌同步保密研究的新方向。本文研究了一个带时延的单向耦合神经元系统的同步问题,基于Krasovskii-Lyapunov理论,推导出系统同步的判定条件,并对不同的情况分别进行分析,在此基础上研究了耦合的延迟混沌神经元模型的同步控制,给出同步的充分条件,然后针对部分文献进行分析,纠正了文献中的错误,最后采用数值仿真的方法举例证明了理论推导的正确性。
关 键 词: 非线性科学;混沌同步;单向耦合;时延
Title: Study on synchronization threshold of a one-way coupled delayed system
Author: ZHANG Weiwei, ZHOU Shangbo, MAI Huanhuan, XIAO Ke
Organization: College of Computer Science, Chongqing University
Abstract: Chaotic synchronization is always a hot topic of chaotic secure communication, but chaotic signals generated by some chaotic systems of low dimension can be deciphered without difficulty. Security will be threatened when it is used in communication. A delayed system as an infinite dimensional system can perform hyperchaotic behavior, which makes the signals hard to decipher, and new research area is developed. The paper investigates a one-way coupled time-delayed system based on the Krasovskii-Lyapunov theory, and derives the sufficient condition of the synchronization threshold of one-way coupled delayed system. Then it analyzes the references and corrects the mistakes. In the end, the result of computer simulation method proves the correctness of deduction.
Key words: nonlinear science; chaotic synchronization; one-way coupled; time delay
发表期数: 2009年1月第1期
引用格式: 张伟伟,周尚波,麦欢欢,等. 单向耦合时延系统的同步问题研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2009,2(1):85-89.
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