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发表时间:2010-02-15 浏览量:1891 下载量:566
全部作者: | 柳红燕,王继燕,赵玉成 |
作者单位: | 中国矿业大学理学院 |
摘 要: | 根据锚固质量无损检测信号的特点,基于小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)理论,将原始信号分解为不同频带,并滤除不需要的频带,最后用Mallat重构算法得到去噪后的信号,从而有效地提取到所关心频段的检测信号。实际检测信号的处理结果表明:它能较好地去除非关心频段干扰信号,使用该方法处理所得信号的信噪比明显提高,从而为锚固质量检测精度和稳定性的提高打下良好基础。 |
关 键 词: | 固体力学;锚固质量;检测;小波变换 |
Title: | The application of wavelet transform to nondestructive testing signal from rockbolt supporting system |
Author: | LIU Hongyan, WANG Jiyan, ZHAO Yucheng |
Organization: | College of Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology |
Abstract: | In this paper based on characteristic of nondestructive testing signal from rockbolt supporting system, the wavelet transform(WT) was used to divide original signal into different bandwidth and filter the unnecessary bandwidth signals. Meanwhile, the Mallat reconstruction algorithm, which can filter the signal with noise efficiently while holding the characteristics of the original, was brought forward to gain the signal without noise. At last, the transforming result shows that it would make the system run more precisely and stably in the testing to the quality of rockbolt supporting system. |
Key words: | solid mechanics; rockbolt supporting quality; testing; wavelet transform |
发表期数: | 2010年2月第3期 |
引用格式: | 柳红燕,王继燕,赵玉成. 小波变换在锚固质量无损检测中的应用[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(3):279-283. |
