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发表时间:2010-02-15  浏览量:1908  下载量:844
全部作者: 刘大顺,侯乃先,于庆民,岳珠峰
作者单位: 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院
摘 要: 针对镍基单晶叶片晶体取向的随机性,结合晶体塑性理论和线性累积疲劳寿命模型,研究了叶片轴向晶体取向偏差对叶片寿命的影响。研究表明:叶片取向偏差的分布规律符合三参数对数正态分布,在此基础上采用蒙特卡洛法对单晶叶片进行了寿命可靠性分析。结果表明:单晶叶片疲劳寿命分布规律符合三参数威布尔分布,由此建立了单晶涡轮叶片寿命的可靠性模型,为叶片的可靠性设计提出了一种有效的方法。
关 键 词: 固体力学;可靠性;蒙特卡洛法;晶体取向;寿命分析
Title: Fatigue reliability analysis of crystallographic orientation in single crystal turbine blade
Author: LIU Dashun, HOU Naixian, YU Qingmin, YUE Zhufeng
Organization: School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering and Architecture, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Abstract: Based on the single crystal plastic theory and the linear life prediction model, the Monte�Carlo method has been presented to analyze the influence of turbine blade crystal orientation on the single crystal blade life. The results show that the distribution of blade crystal orientation is 3�parameter lognormal distribution. Furthermore, the distribution of the single crystal blade life according with 3�parameter Weibull distribution is obtained, using the Monte�Carlo method. The method presented here is useful for designing turbine blade at a certain cycle life.
Key words: solid mechanics; reliability; Monte�Carlo method; crystallographic orientation; life prediction
发表期数: 2010年2月第3期
引用格式: 刘大顺,侯乃先,于庆民,等. 镍基单晶涡轮叶片取向偏差可靠性研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(3):293-298.
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