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发表时间:2010-02-28  浏览量:2108  下载量:629
全部作者: 凌静秀,李春英,牛卫兵
作者单位: 太原理工大学机械工程学院;太原理工大学机械工程学院
摘 要: 用三维建模软件(Unigraphics,UG)建立掘进机履带行走机构的简化模型,将模型导入ADAMS软件中施加约束,并用宏命令施加接触力,最后进行前进与转弯的动力学仿真,得出接触力的仿真曲线,从而为后继的有限元分析提供理论基础和边界载荷条件,对于其他大型机械的履带行走装置的动力学仿真研究也有一定借鉴意义。
关 键 词: 机械动力学与振动;ADAMS;掘进机;履带行走机构;仿真
Title: Research on simulation of walking mechanism of roadheader based on ADAMS
Author: ING Jingxiu, LI Chunying, NIU Weibing
Organization: College of Mechanical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology;Design Institute of Taiyuan Mining Machinery
Abstract: This paper sets up a simplified 3D solid model of crawler walking mechanism in Unigraphics (UG) software, and then imports the model into ADAMS software and bear restriction and force of contact. Then forward and turning dynamics simulation is carried out and some rules are got from the result. It provides theoretical basis and the boundary loading conditions for finite element analysis, and it has certain reference for the dynamics simulation research of the crawler travelling mechinanics of other machinery.
Key words: mechanical dynamics and vibration; ADAMS; roadheader; crawler walking mechanism; simulation
发表期数: 2010年2月第4期
引用格式: 凌静秀,李春英,牛卫兵. 基于ADAMS的悬臂式掘进机行走机构仿真研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(4):411-416.
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