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发表时间:2010-05-31  浏览量:2188  下载量:762
全部作者: 史丽萍,王利华,卞绍顺
作者单位: 中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院
摘 要: 利用HCNR200构成了一块模拟量隔离板电路,并选择合适的电路参数和实验方法,完成了一种解决模拟量隔离问题的极佳方案,它可以将工程上现场传感器送来的4~20 mA电流信号转换为对应成线性比例的1~5 V电压信号,提供给可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller,PLC)的模拟量输入模块,而且可以避免因内外部电路接地电位不同而造成的误差,以及保护内部电路不受外部电路故障的影响。该电路具有良好的线性度和高准确度,且结构简单实用,实验效果好。
关 键 词: 电子技术;模拟量隔离板;线性光耦;HCNR200;电流电压转换
Title: The application of linear optocoupler in analog isolation board
Author: SHI Liping, WANG Lihua, BIAN Shaoshun
Organization: School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
Abstract: This paper uses HCNR200 to constitute an analog isolation circuit board, while selects the appropriate circuit parameters and experimental methods. The excellent way to solve the problem of analog isolation is completed, and it can transform 4~20 mA current signal which is sent from the engineering field sensors into the corresponding proportion linear voltage signal whose range is 1~5 V. The voltage signal is provided to the programmable logic controller (PLC) analog input module, and the errors caused by the difference between the voltage from the internal or the external circuit to the earth can be avoided, and it can protect the internal circuitry from external circuit failure. The circuit has good linearity and high accuracy; and the circuit structure is simple and practical, its experimental effect is good.
Key words: electronics; analog isolation board; linear optocoupler; HCNR200; current�voltage conservation
发表期数: 2010年5月第10期
引用格式: 史丽萍,王利华,卞绍顺. 线性光耦在模拟量隔离板中的应用[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(10):1009-1013.
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