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发表时间:2010-08-15  浏览量:1731  下载量:747
全部作者: 朱胜江,王建国,HAMILTON J H, RAMAYYA A V, 顾龙,丁怀博, HWANG J K, 刘少华, 李科, 罗亦孝, RASMUSSEN J O, LEE I Y, 徐强,杨韵颐,肖志刚
作者单位: 清华大学理学院;美国范德堡大学物理与天文学系;劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室
摘 要: 通过对252Cf自发裂变产生的瞬发γ谱的测量,对A=100区的丰中子奇质子核103Nb的高自旋态结构进行研究。研究结果识别了3个新的集体转动带结构,其中,建立在718。6 keV能级上的带指定为Kπ=9/2+的一声子γ振动带,而建立在1 282。1 keV能级上的带指定为Kπ=13/2+的二声子γ振动带。这种两声子γ振动带是迄今为止在奇质子原子核中的第一例发现。并对其结构特性进行了讨论。
关 键 词: 原子核物理学; 多声子γ振动带;高自旋态; 丰中子核
Title: Research on multi-phonon γ-vibrational bands in odd-Z 103Nb nucleus
Author: ZHU Shengjiang, WANG Jianguo, HAMILTON J H, RAMAYYA A V, GU Long,DING Huaibo, HWANG J K, LIU Shaohua, LI Ke, LUO Yixiao, RASMUSSEN J O,LEE I Y, XU Qiang, YANG Yunyi, XIAO Zhigang
Organization: School of Sciences, Tsinghua University;Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University;Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Abstract: Through measuring prompt γ-rays following spontaneous fission of 252Cf, high spin states in the neutron-rich 103Nb nucleus have been investigated. Three new bands have been identified. The band based on the 716。8 keV level is proposed as a candidate for the Kπ=9/2+ one�phonon γ-vibrational band, and the band built on the 1 282。1 keV level is proposed as a candidate for the Kπ=13/2+ two�phonon γ-vibrational band. The two�phonon γ-vibrational band is the first such band identified in an odd-Z nucleus. The structural characteristics of these multi-phonon bands have been discussed.
Key words: nuclear physics; multi-phonon γ-vibrational bands; high spin state; neutron-rich nucleus
发表期数: 2010年8月第15期
引用格式: 朱胜江,王建国,HAMILTON J H,等. 奇质子核103Nb多声子Gamma振动带的研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(15):1522-1539.
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