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发表时间:2012-05-15  浏览量:1368  下载量:370
全部作者: 高波,江飞,郝仪,张文凤,李世伟,胡亮,涂赣峰
作者单位: 东北大学材料与冶金学院
摘 要: 利用强流脉冲电子束(high current pulsed electron beam,HCPEB)对Mg67Zn30Y3准晶合金进行表面改性处理。通过扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)和透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscope,TEM)对处理前后样品的表层微观组织进行分析,并测量改性样品的截面显微硬度。结果表明:强流脉冲电子束处理使样品表面发生重熔,相界模糊,有大量细小纳米准晶弥散分布,平均颗粒尺寸为10~20 nm. 重熔层厚度随脉冲次数的增加而增加,从5.20 μm(2次脉冲)变成7.41 μm(15次脉冲)。改性表层组织的变化导致硬度提高,经电子束处理后合金截面显微硬度与原样相比有增大的趋势,最大显微硬度出现在50~100 μm深度范围内。总之,强流脉冲电子束改性处理能有效地改善Mg67Zn30Y3准晶合金表层组织结构和性能。
关 键 词: 材料表面与界面;表面处理;强流脉冲电子束;纳米准晶;Mg67Zn30Y3;重熔层;截面显微硬度
Title: Effect of high current pulsed electron beam on microstructure and properties of Mg67Zn30Y3 quasicrystal alloy
Author: GAO Bo, JIANG Fei, HAO Yi, ZHANG Wenfeng, LI Shiwei, HU Liang, TU Ganfeng
Organization: School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University
Abstract: In this paper, the Mg67Zn30Y3 quasicrystal alloy was bombarded through high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB). The surface microstructures of Mg67Zn30Y3 quasicrystal alloy before and after HCPEB treatment were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), and cross-sectional microhardness was examined using a 401 MVDTM vickers hardness. The results indicate that HCPEB treatment leads to rapid remelting of alloy surface, so the phase boundaries become indistinct, and a large number of tiny nano-quasicrystals are dispersedly distributed in surface layer, and average sizes are about 10~20 nm. The thickness of remelted layer induced by HCPEB increases with the increase of pulse number, and it is increased from 5.20 μm of 2-pulse sample to 7.41 μm of 15-pulse sample. The microstructure variation results in the hardness enhancement. The cross-sectional microhardness of Mg67Zn30Y3 quasicrystal alloy has a growing tendency after HCPEB bombardment compared with initial sample. The maximal hardness appears in 50~100 μm depth range. In summary, the HCPEB treatment is able to effectively improve surface structure and properties of Mg67Zn30Y3 quasicrystal alloy.
Key words: surface and interface in the materials science; surface treatment; high current pulsed electron beam; nano-quasicrystals; Mg67Zn30Y3; remelted layer; cross-sectional microhardness
发表期数: 2012年5月第9期
引用格式: 高波,江飞,郝仪,等. 强流脉冲电子束处理对Mg67Zn30Y3准晶合金微观组织和性能的影响[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2012,5(9):858-864.
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