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发表时间:2014-07-31  浏览量:1753  下载量:703
全部作者: 吕清芳,秦吉红,朱然
作者单位: 东南大学土木工程学院
摘 要: 采用玄武岩纤维(basalt fiber reinforced plastics,BFRP)布与竹梁复合,对其受弯性能进行试验研究,考虑不同竹梁尺寸、不同BFRP布层数对其性能的影响。试验结果表明:BFRP布复合竹梁增强了竹梁的刚度,增加了竹梁的延性,降低了竹梁的中和轴。BFRP布在受拉区承担了一部分拉力,对增强竹梁的力学性能起到一定作用,且随着BFRP布层数的增多,这种增强的效果更加明显。同时发现,竹梁高宽比的增加反而降低了BFRP布的增强效果。
关 键 词: 土木建筑结构;玄武岩纤维布;增强;力学性能
Title: Study on the flexural behavior of BFRP-plate strengthened beams
Author: LÜ Qingfang, QIN Jihong, ZHU Ran
Organization: School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University
Abstract: Flexural behavior of basalt fiber reinforced plastics (BFRP) composite bamboo beams is tested with taking the size effect and number of BFRP-plate layers into consideration. The results illustrate that the BFRP-plates enhances the stiffness and ductility of bamboo beam, proving that BFRP plates undertakes a portion of tension in the tensile region. With layers of BFRP plates increasing, the enhancing effects is more significant. However, strengthening effects declines with the aspect ratio increasing of bamboo beam.
Key words: civil building structure; basalt fiber reinforced plastics-plate; strengthen; mechanical property
发表期数: 2014年7月第14期
引用格式: 吕清芳,秦吉红,朱然. BFRP布复合竹梁的受弯性能试验研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2014,7(14):1371-1378.
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