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发表时间:2015-07-31  浏览量:1660  下载量:657
全部作者: 王淑伟,孙立山,赵鹏飞
作者单位: 北京工业大学交通工程北京市重点实验室;国家发展和改革委员会综合运输研究所
摘 要: 提出轨道交通导向型城市规划理论(transit oriented city,TOC),旨在构建层次分明、衔接合理的城市公共交通系统,并提出与之相适应的用地调整策略。首先,划分轨道站点多层次服务范围,并建立轨道交通为主骨架,长途公交作补充,常规公交、自行车、步行为主要接驳方式的公共交通体系。其次,提出用地调整策略:站域用地实施混合开发,使居民能够在站域内完成大部分非工作出行,降低平均出行距离。最后,站间用地实施差异性控制,合理分布站间客流,降低局部线路负荷过高的可能性。
关 键 词: 交通运输系统工程;城市规划;公共交通;轨道交通;混合用地;用地差异性
Title: Research on the urban planning technology of transit oriented city
Author: WANG Shuwei, SUN Lishan, ZHAO Pengfei
Organization: Beijing Key Laboratory of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology; Institute of Comprehensive Transportation of National Development and Reform Commission
Abstract: In this paper, the urban planning technology of transit oriented city (TOC) was presented, aiming to build structured, rational articulated urban public transportation system, as well as proposing corresponding land use adjustment strategies for large cities. Firstly, we delineate transit station multi-level catchment area and establish a comprehensive public transport system consisting of transit as the backbone, long-distance bus as supplemented, regular bus, bicycle and walking as shuttle modes. Secondly, we adjust land use type and proportion within catchment areas so that residents can complete most of none-work travel within one area, thus reducing the average trip distance. Thirdly, we adjust land use type and proportion between catchment areas, achieving a reasonable passenger volume distribution among transit stations and reducing the possibility of overloading a partial transit line.
Key words: transportation systems engineering; urban planning; public transportation; urban transit; mixed land use; land use difference
发表期数: 2015年7月第14期
引用格式: 王淑伟,孙立山,赵鹏飞. 轨道交通导向型城市规划技术研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2015,8(14):1543-1548.
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