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发表时间:2016-04-15 浏览量:1822 下载量:954
全部作者: | 夏巍,钟黄亮,杨秀山,孔行健,张志业,王辛龙 |
作者单位: | 四川大学化学工程学院 |
摘 要: | 研究细颗粒LiF在流化床中的流化特性,提出添加惰性粗颗粒改善LiF流化质量的方法,通过自建的流态化实验装置开展添加重晶石颗粒的LiF细颗粒的流态化实验研究。结果表明,单一组分的LiF颗粒(平均粒径16 μm)不能实现正常流态化,易出现沟流、柱塞、聚团等不良现象。实验研究了在LiF颗粒中添加三种不同粒径(150~180,180~250,250~380 μm)、不同质量比例(30%,50%,60%,70%)的重晶石颗粒所构成的二元混合体系的流态化特性。结果表明,随着重晶石颗粒添加质量比例的增加,LiF流化性能越来越好,在粗颗粒添加量为60%时能实现稳定流化。在所添加的三种粒径中,粒径为180~250 μm的重晶石颗粒对LiF流化改善效果最好。在实验研究基础上分析细颗粒LiF聚团的机理,建立细颗粒LiF聚团模型,并对细颗粒LiF聚团颗粒的粒径进行预测。结果表明,在添加不同质量比例和粒径的重晶石后,未添加粗颗粒时LiF颗粒的聚团粒径为1 646 μm,而添加最佳质量比例(40%LiF+60%重晶石)和最佳粒径(180~250 μm)的重晶石后,LiF颗粒的聚团粒径为299 μm,说明添加粗颗粒是改善细颗粒LiF流化质量的有效方法。 |
关 键 词: | 无机化学;聚团模型;流态化;颗粒 |
Title: | Fluidization of LiF powders with additive particles |
Author: | XIA Wei, ZHONG Huangliang, YANG Xiushan, KONG Xingjian, ZHANG Zhiye, WANG Xinlong |
Organization: | College of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University |
Abstract: | Considering the particle characteristic of LiF, this paper proposed a method to improve the fluidization quality of LiF powders through adding the coarse particle. Experiment investigation on the fluidization characteristic of LiF powders by adding different barite sands (particles sizes were 150-180 μm, 180-250 μm and 250-380 μm; weight ratio were 30%, 50%, 60% and 70%) was conducted in the self-build fluidized bed equipment. The results showed that single component LiF powders (average particle diameter 16 μm) couldn’t achieve good dispersion fluidization effects, and the phenomenon of plunger, channeling and agglomeration would easily occur in the reaction process. However, single component barite (particles size 150-380 μm) had a good state of fluidization. Fluidization qualities of LiF powders were better with the addition of coarse particles in the binary mixed system of LiF powders and barite sands. LiF powders achieved incipient fluidization when the amount of added barite sands up. Good particulate fluidization of LiF powders can be achieved when the additive proportion of barite sands was 60%. LiF powders can achieve the best particulate fluidization when particle size of barite sands is 180-250 μm with the same additive proportion. Aggregating mechanism of LiF powders was analyzed on the basis of experimental research. Calculation results revealed that fluidized agglomeration sizes of LiF powders were much smaller after adding barite sands, which could be attribuite to the broken and cut effect of coarse particles for LiF powders. The average fluidized agglomeration size of single LiF powders was 1 646 μm. However, the average of fluidized agglomeration size of the binary mixed system with 40% LiF powders and 60% barite sands (particles diameter 180-250 μm) was 299 μm. Both the experiment and calculation results exhibited that adding barite particles is an effective method for improving the fluidized quality of LiF powders. |
Key words: | inorganic chemistry; agglomerate model; fluidization; powders |
发表期数: | 2016年4月第7期 |
引用格式: | 夏巍,钟黄亮,杨秀山,等. 细颗粒LiF添加组分的流化特性实验研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2016,9(7):731-738. |
