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发表时间:2023-03-30  浏览量:1686  下载量:111
全部作者: 何龙,朱咏明,马金财,吴伟丽,刘俊,祁鹏
作者单位: 国网新疆电力有限公司昌吉供电公司;西安科技大学电气与控制工程学院;安徽正广电电力技术有限公司
摘 要: 针对中性点接地系统铁磁谐振过电压故障带来的危害,应用非线性动力学分岔理论和混沌理论,研究中性点接地系统在非全相运行时系统容性参数和感性参数不利配合造成的串联谐振问题:首先,分析铁磁谐振等值电路,建立类Duffing-van der Pol的动力学模型系统;其次,将最大Lyapunov指数(largest Lyapunov exponent,LLE)作为辨识系统非线性运动状态的指标,并确定系统混沌状态的指标阈值,建立了QR分解的Duffing-van der Pol系统Lyapunov指标计算模型,在此基础上,提出了基于LLE的系统状态辨识方法;最后,以实际工程为例,遍历系统参数所有可能的取值,分析不同工况下的Lyapunov指数范围,并确定了谐振状态转变的参数临界值,研究结果可为电力部门规划阶段和系统运行维护阶段避免铁磁谐振故障提供理论依据。
关 键 词: 电气工程;铁磁谐振;混沌;相图;最大Lyapunov指数(LLE)
Title: Chaotic identification of multivariable ferromagnetic resonance in neutral grounding system based on largest Lyapunov exponent
Author: HE Long, ZHU Yongming, MA Jincai, WU Weili, LIU Jun, QI Peng
Organization: State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Changji Electric Power Supply Company; School of Electrical and Control Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology; Anhui Zhengguang Power Technology Co., Ltd.
Abstract: In view of the harm caused by the ferroresonance overvoltage fault of the neutral grounding system, the nonlinear dynamic bifurcation theory and chaos theory are applied to study the series resonance problem caused by the unfavorable coordination of the capacitive parameters and inductive parameters of the system when the neutral grounding system is in non-full phase operation: First, the equivalent circuit of the ferroresonance was analyzed, and dynamic model system like Duffing-van der Pol was established. Secondly, the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) was used as the index to identify the nonlinear motion state of the system, and the index threshold of the chaotic state of the system was determined. The Lyapunov index calculation model of Duffing-van der Pol system based on QR decomposition was established. On this basis, the system state identification method based on the LLE was proposed. Finally, taking the actual project as an example, all possible values of the system parameters were traversed, the Lyapunov index range under different working conditions was analyzed, and the critical value of the parameters for the resonant state transition was determined. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the power sector to avoid ferromagnetic resonance faults in the planning stage and the system operation and maintenance stage.
Key words: electrical engineering; ferromagnetic resonance; chaos; phase diagram; largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE)
发表期数: 2023年3月第1期
引用格式: 何龙,朱咏明,马金财,等. 基于最大Lyapunov指数的中性点接地系统多变量铁磁谐振混沌辨识[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2023,16(1):29-39.
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