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发表时间:2010-05-15  浏览量:2457  下载量:593
全部作者: 杨正瓴
作者单位: 天津大学电气与自动化工程学院
摘 要: 由于海洋和大气的易变性,仅靠它们难以解释厄尔尼诺(El Ni駉)在过去百万年尺度上的相对稳定性,因为其间地球气温的明显变化与厄尔尼诺的相对稳定性不协调。这意味着,某些稳定的外部影响因素施加在开放的海洋和大气的非线性运动上,形成了在外部影响因素周期附近摆动的厄尔尼诺变化的2~7年周期带。对功率谱、小波的分析表明:厄尔尼诺周期带不是由火山(volcano)、太阳辐照度(solar irradiance)、温室气体(greenhouse gas)、对流层影响(tropospheric)、日长(length of day, LOD)、太阳黑子(sun spot)引起的,并且没有发现合适的外因解释。
关 键 词: 海洋气象学;厄尔尼诺;全球变化;外部影响因素;月球;地球轨道
Title: The quantitative contrasts between the El Ni駉 and external influence factors beyond the sea and atmosphere
Author: YANG Zhengling
Organization: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University
Abstract: It is difficult to explain the continual irregular cycle of El Ni駉 by only the changeful sea and atmosphere, as the change of atmosphere temperature was inconsistent with El Ni駉 in the past millions of years. This implies that there are some external influence factors with relative stable change cycles which drive the changeful sea and atmosphere to some irregular 2 to 7 years, especially the about-4-year cycles. Also, the 2 to 7 years cycle band should be around the relative stable change cycles of external influence factors. The spectra and wavelet analyses show that the volcano, solar, greenhouse gas, tropospheric, LOD, sun spot are not the stable external influence factors.
Key words: marine meteorology; El Ni駉; global change; external influence factors; moon; earth orbit
发表期数: 2010年5月第9期
引用格式: 杨正瓴. 厄尔尼诺大气海洋作用以外可能诱因的定量对比[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2010,3(9):872-879.
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