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发表时间:2020-07-01  浏览量:1746  下载量:328
全部作者: 陈紫嫣,许乙青
作者单位: 湖南大学建筑学院
摘 要: 研究以湖南省花垣县经济技术开发区(简称经开区)概念规划为例,分析了花垣县经开区在发展过程中出现的问题,同时从产业布局、土地利用、道路交通等方面出发,提出了基于产城融合理念的城市规划设计策略,以期为其他地区的经开区建设提供经验借鉴。
关 键 词: 土木建筑工程设计;城乡规划;产城融合;设计策略;经开区
Title: Urban planning and design strategy based on the concept of in-dustry city integration
Author: CHEN Ziyan, XU Yiqing
Organization: School of Architecture, Hunan University
Abstract: Taking the conceptual planning of economic and technological development zone in Huayuan, Hunan, as an example, the problems in the development process of Huayuan economic and technological development zone are analyzed in this paper, and at the same time, the urban planning and design strategy based on the concept of industry city integration is put forward from the aspects of industrial layout, land use, road traffic, etc., in order to provide experience for the construction of other economic and technological development zones.
Key words: civil and architectural engineering design; urban and rural planning; industry city integration; design strategy; economic and technological development zone
发表期数: 2020年6月第2期
引用格式: 陈紫嫣,许乙青. 基于产城融合理念的城市规划设计策略[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2020,13(2):204-211.
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