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发表时间:2014-03-31  浏览量:2289  下载量:911
全部作者: 李学飞,刘会凯,王国强,李凯
作者单位: 吉林大学机械科学与工程学院
摘 要: 铰接转向非公路车辆(articulated steering off-road vehicle, ASOV)由于其自身结构可变和工作环境恶劣等因素,极易发生失稳。针对该问题,建立ASOV的六自由度(6-degree of freedom, 6-DOF)非线性模型,利用该模型分析ASOV在水平路面转弯、障碍路面直行以及障碍路面转弯过程中的翻车机理,得出影响ASOV侧倾稳定性的主要参数为侧向加速度和侧倾角速度。该研究可以为ASOV的失稳预警及主动防倾翻控制提供参考。
关 键 词: 机械设计;铰接转向;非公路车辆;侧向稳定性
Title: Study on the rollover stability of articulated steering off-road vehicle
Author: LI Xuefei, LIU Huikai, WANG Guoqiang, LI Kai
Organization: College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University
Abstract: Articulated steering off-road vehicle (ASOV) is more likely to lose stability because of their own structural changes and poor working conditions. To solve this problem, a 6-degree of freedom (6-DOF) nonlinear dynamics model of the ASOV was established. By applying this model, the ASOV’s rollover mechanism was analyzed in different working conditions, such as turning on the level ground, moving through obstacles, and turning on the uneven road. The results showed that the main parameters which influenced the stability of the ASOV were the lateral acceleration and the roll rate. This research provides a reference for the ASOV’s instability warning and anti-rollover control.
Key words: mechanical design; articulated steering; off-road vehicle; lateral stability
发表期数: 2014年3月第6期
引用格式: 李学飞,刘会凯,王国强,等. 铰接转向非公路车辆侧倾稳定性研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2014,7(6):569-577.
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