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发表时间:2014-10-15 浏览量:2424 下载量:614
全部作者: | 徐侠影,高兵,巨晓棠 |
作者单位: | 中国农业大学资源与环境学院 |
摘 要: | 揭示不同土壤氮素转化过程与N2O的产生,有助于N2O减排措施的制定。以潮土、紫色土和酸性红壤上稻田、菜地、茶园和林地6种土壤为研究对象,在控制土壤温度和水分的条件下,采用静态培养-气相色谱法,研究硝酸铵添加对不同土壤氮素转化和N2O与CO2排放的影响。结果表明:紫色土氮素矿化能力大于潮土和红壤(稻田和菜地),而后三者矿化能力相当。红壤不同利用方式氮素矿化表现为林地>稻田和菜地>茶园,其中红壤林地氮素矿化能力高于紫色土和潮土。在潮土和紫色土中添加硝酸铵能够促进土壤硝化作用N2O的排放。而在酸性红壤稻田、菜地、茶园和林地中,较低的土壤pH值不利于土壤硝化作用及N2O的排放,4种利用方式N2O的排放对硝酸铵添加无明显响应。添加硝酸铵对土壤N2O和CO2排放的促进作用表现为紫色土>潮土>红壤。与酸性红壤相比,潮土和紫色土具有较大的N2O减排潜力,控制硝化过程是减少N2O排放的有效途径。 |
关 键 词: | 植物营养学;土壤类型;土地利用方式;N2O;CO2 |
Title: | Effects of NH4NO3 addition on nitrogen transformation and N2O emissions in different soils |
Author: | XU Xiaying, GAO Bing, JU Xiaotang |
Organization: | College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University |
Abstract: | Illustrating the process of soil nitrogen (N) transformation and N2O generation could help us design N2O mitigation strategies. An experiment was carried out in fields of fluvo-aquic soil, purple soil and acid red soil different in land use, i.e. paddy field, vegetable garden, tea garden and forest, to study effects of application of NH4NO3 on soil N transformation, N2O and CO2 emissions under constant temperature and soil moisture, using the static incubation-gas chromatograph method. Results show that the mineralization capacity of purple soil is larger than that of the fluvo-aquic soil and red soil vegetable garden and paddy field, and the mineralization capacity of the latter three is similar. The mineralization capacity of red soil different in land use show the sequences of forest>paddy field and vegetable garden>tea garden, and the mineralization capacity of red soil forest is higher than purple soil and fluvo-aquic soil. The application of NH4NO3 significantly accelerated N2O emissions from nitrification in calcareous soil and purple soil. No significant N2O emissions after application of NH4NO3 on acid red soil is different in land use, due to nitrification and the generation of N2O is controlled by low soil pH. The stimulation of NH4NO3 on N2O and CO2 emissions is in the sequence of purple soil>calcareous soil>red soil. Calcareous soil and purple soil have larger N2O reduction potential than acidic red soil, and controlling the process of nitrification is the effective measure for reducing N2O emissions. |
Key words: | plant nutrition; soil types; land use pattern; N2O; CO2 |
发表期数: | 2014年10月第19期 |
引用格式: | 徐侠影,高兵,巨晓棠. 硝酸铵在几种土壤中的转化及N2O排放[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2014,7(19):1921-1929. |
