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发表时间:2016-02-15  浏览量:2234  下载量:896
全部作者: 董玉惠,周波,韩晓阳
作者单位: 山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院;泰安市农业局
摘 要: 为研究不同浓度铵态氮对茶树扦插生根的影响,试验采用砂培的方式对茶树插穗进行生根诱导,测定不同铵态氮浓度下根系发育过程中的形态及生理生化变化。研究发现,插穗生根时间相差不大,但低氮处理的不定根数目最多,愈伤率和生根率最大,而高氮处理根系最长。在扦插0~20 d时3个处理的含水量、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、淀粉含量、总氮及C/N值差异并不显著。在扦插20~60 d时不同处理变化较大,低氮处理的含水量、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、淀粉含量及C/N比值均显著高于高氮处理,而高氮处理的总氮含量则显著高于低氮处理。在酶活性方面,低氮处理中过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)及多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)酶活性高于高氮处理。因此,适当降低铵态氮浓度有利于促进茶树插穗根系的发育。
关 键 词: 茶学;铵态氮;根系形态;生理生化
Title: Study on the effect of ammonium nitrogen on morphology, physiology and biochemistry of tea root in the process of cuttage
Author: DONG Yuhui, ZHOU Bo, HAN Xiaoyang
Organization: College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University; Agriculture Bureau of Tai’an City
Abstract: The effects on cuttage rooting of tea tree in different concentrations of ammonium nitrogen were studied in the sand culture. The changes of morphology, physiology and biochemistry were determined during the development process in different concentrations of ammonium nitrogen. As a result, the time of cuttage rooting had little difference among the treatments, but the number of adventitious root, callus rate, rooting rate were the highest in low N treatment. However, the root length was the highest in the high N treatment. The content of water, soluble protein, soluble sugar, starch, total N, C/N had no significant differences during 0-20 d, but the indexes of low N treatment were significantly higher than the high N treatment except for total N, while the total N was the highest in the high N treatment during 20-60 d. The enzyme activities of peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in low N treatment were higher than those in the high N treatment. Therefore, the development of cuttage rooting of tea tree could be promoted by properly reducing the content of ammonium nitrogen.
Key words: tea science; ammonium nitrogen; root morphology; physiology and biochemistry
发表期数: 2016年2月第3期
引用格式: 董玉惠,周波,韩晓阳. 铵态氮对茶树扦插过程中根系形态及其生理生化影响研究[J]. 中国科技论文在线精品论文,2016,9(3):258-263.
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